The Quran, in the eyes of Muslims, is the greatest of guides. It is the word of God which is inimitable and it is granted to the last of the Prophets, Muhammed, peace and blessings upon him. The word of the Quran accompanies Muslims in their everyday life. They listen reverently to its verses and attribute to them great sanctity, both during and after prayers. Muslims frequently memorize the Quran and quote from it in various circumstances and it has great impact on the molding of the Muslim character as regards beliefs, prayers, customs and culture. A Muslim who is in close affinity with the Quran, which is the source of morality and ethics, preserves for himself thereby a place close to God, close to his religion, to the Prophet and to Paradise.
Aisha, wife of Muhammed, was asked what were Muhammed’s moral qualities. She replied that his moral qualities were the word of the Quran. Thus the Quran serves in many spheres: as a source of guidance for purposes of preaching and peacemaking, physical and spiritual healing and for judgment and rulings. Scholars, educators and experts on the behavior of the individual and Islamic society adopted this book as their guide. They were aware of its vast positive influence on ways of dealing with educational and social problems in the life of the Muslim individual and the rectification of such negative conduct as violence, rebellion, envy, hatred and various customs originating in the pre-Islamic period (jahaliya). These customs include drinking of wine, drug taking, dishonorable behavior, licentiousness, prostitution, sodomy, theft, obscene language, lying etc. Thus the leadership of the society could invest efforts in the right direction in order to amend and improve a situation. For there is no more reliable source than the Quran, which declares in this context: “By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it;” (Surah 91, Verse 7)
It is only natural that we should derive benefit from the knowledge of scientists and experts in various spheres of human and social science, apart from those matters which are irreconcilable with the basic elements of the supreme religion based on the Quran, the Sunna and Islamic culture. It would not be wise on our part to disregard the greatest source in the life of Muslims.
The present project seeks to create a link between the Quran, which serves as the basis of faith and culture in our lives, and modern sciences and research in the sphere of the healing of the soul. The stories provide examples of problems encountered in everyday life in our society. The solution, which is illustrated by a Quran verse, demonstrates how to deal with such problems and serves as clear guidance and as a beacon of light. The reader then reads an educational explanation, which clarifies the Quran response from the psychological viewpoint.
In many cases we could undoubtedly find other verses which offer guidance on solution of the problem. These verses can influence and speak to the heart and soul of any Muslim who is sanctifies and reveres the word of the Quran and strictly observes its commands in order to do the will of God and his Messenger and to be counted among the good Muslims.
Dr. Ofer Grosbard, a clinical psychologist by profession, has labored with his students to implement this impressive project. The students, all Muslims, who are studying for graduate degrees in educational counseling, are keenly aware of the importance of the link between psychology and the Quran in the effort to help schoolchildren and their families.
The readers will easily locate the Quranic and educational answers to their questions and will be able to derive great benefit. This is a worthy enterprise which deserves encouragement and admiration. In future it will be possible to add to the quoted Quran verses, the sayings (Hadith) of the Prophet Muhammed, peace and blessings upon him, because the deeds and conduct of the Prophet are, in effect, the beginning of the Quran: It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered a Messenger from among themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to sanctify them, and to instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom, – although they had been, before, in manifest error; – (Surah 62, Verse 2).
I must emphasize that this work is a blessed project, the first of its kind in this country, the fruit of cooperation between a teacher and his students. This initiative deserves gratitude, appreciation and attention. It inspires fresh ways of thinking and encourages initiative for creativity and innovation in this and other spheres. The researcher who links modern science with the Quran and Islamic culture, is making a valuable contribution for the benefit of mankind as a whole. As the Quran says: Verily this Qur-an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable), and giveth the glad tidings to the Believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward; (Surah 17, Verse 9). And as the Prophet, peace and blessings on him, has said: The best among you are those who study the Quran and teach it to others.”
Sheikh Muhammed Omari,
Lecturer, al-Qasami College,
Deputy Chief Inspector of Islamic Religious Teaching, Ministry of Education and Culture.